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My Work - New and Old 

Meditations in Blue_52.5x32.jpg
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Meditations In Blue

32 x 52


Created in honor of seeing the morning colors after cataract surgery 

meditations in blue detail 1.jpg


Be Still detail 5.jpg


Be Still Detail 1200.jpg


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Be Still

33 x 54


Stillness of nature using

botanically printed water 

color papers and hand dyed


Blue Grasses cropped.jpg

Blue Grasses and Green Grasses -

both 26 x 19


Two Deconstructed Screen printed 

from the same screen on cotton.

Hand and machine stitched


Details of Blue and Green Grases 

Green Grasses cropped.jpg
Blue Grassea detail.jpg
Green Grasses detail.jpg
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The Child

Hidden book hung from neck, Two Gun Pete and can of spinach in the pockets for strength and protection.

Healing Dolls -22 x 30


Three dolls to represent my personal healing at each stage of my life


Healing Dolls - The Mother.jpg

The Mother - Three children hidden in the pockets and a Bible hidden in the pocket of the jacket

Healing Dolls - The Marmee.jpg

The Marmee - Age and wisdom.  The Bible is hung from the shoulder satchel and the stability and strength of the drift wood, which has withstood the journey of time.

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Healing Winds

4' x 7'


Located at Parker Aventist

Cancer Center

Cotton hand dyes, stitched

by hand and machine quilted


The contrast between radiation and the  peace of  healing.

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39 x 66

Together was created from a dream about mending broken relationship using hand dyed silk to stitch each square individually and as unique as each person represented. Each square is attached to hand dyed cotton and then sewn to hand dyed silk organza.  

Together was accepted into Quilt National May, 2012.  

Together small.jpg
Together detail best.jpg


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In the Storm detail.jpg

In The Storm


35 x 58

In the Storm was created using quarter strength dyed cottton fabric, applying soy with hand cut stamps and layering dyes with various textures.



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Slade's Sunset


90 x 34

After sitting on my design table for 9 years, my best friend's house warming gift was finally completed.  Hanging from a second story wall above their livng room. Created from hand dyed fabrics and machine stitched.

Slade Sunset detail 2.jpg
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African Jewels


12 x 12

African Jewels was made for "The Jewel Project" with artist from the US, France and Japan interrupting jewels from around the world.

The pieces were exhibited in the US, France and Japan in 2009-2010..

African Jewels small.jpg


For questions, comments or concerns, please contact me directly at:

Susan Brooks -

Thanks and hope to hear from you.

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